What if news outlets were to publish less emotive news? Let's ask AI

BBC News

Fuse ODG has expressed dissatisfaction with the Metropolitan Police, after he was handcuffed by them
The rapper has claimed that he was targeted by officers due to his race, and that they cited they could smell cannabis in a car as their reason.

Original: Fuse ODG complains after being cuffed by Met Police. The rapper says he was "racially profiled" by police who claimed they could smell cannabis in a car.
2023-05-20 09:25:39 UTC

Police in London have discovered a 3D printing facility, believed to be a weapons factory
It appears the facility was being used to modify non-lethal guns into lethal weapons.

Original: Police uncover 3D printing 'weapons factory' in London. Officers believe the London factory was being used to convert blank-firing guns into lethal weapons.
2023-05-20 08:49:28 UTC

Authorities discovered unidentified bones in a bag on the side of the road, which were later identified as belonging to a sheep
In response, police closed the village road in order to conduct an investigation.

Original: Bones found in bag on roadside were sheep remains. The discovery of unidentified bones prompt police to close village road to carry out investigation.
2023-05-20 08:14:07 UTC

The US defence department's funding of Scotland's universities and the recent decreased prediction of inflation have been featured in the news.

Original: Pentagon cash for universities and inflation fall. The US defence department funding Scotland's universities and a projected fall in inflation make the papers.
2023-05-20 08:03:46 UTC

A red kite called Aragon, which was among the first chicks brought over from Spain in 1994, has died in the Thames Valley.

Original: One of the first red kites released into Thames Valley dies. The bird, called Aragon, was among the first chicks brought over from Spain in 1994.
2023-05-20 07:15:34 UTC

Supplies of the menopause pill Utrogestan have been limited due to shortages
Other HRT treatments have also experienced similar restrictions, but government officials have assured that there is a sufficient amount of most products.

Original: Utrogestan: Menopause pill supply restricted over shortages. Other HRT treatments have faced similar limits but ministers say there is good stock of most products.
2023-05-20 07:12:23 UTC

A person wearing a Spiderman mask has climbed the BBC headquarters and is hitting the statue on the building with a hammer.

Original: Man scales BBC HQ and hits statue with hammer. A man wearing a Spiderman mask is using a hammer to hit a controversial statue on the building.
2023-05-20 07:03:28 UTC

A fan of Argentine soccer is trying to visit The Racecourse in Wrexham, Wales
There is a connection between Patagonia and Wales, as the national anthem of Wales is sung daily in one school there.

Original: Wrexham: Argentine super fan trying to get to The Racecourse. There are strong links to Wales in Patagonia, with the national anthem sung in one school daily.
2023-05-20 06:53:53 UTC

The cost of producing ice cream may be increasing, so fewer flavours may be available in the future.

Original: Cost of living: Cut in number of ice cream flavours. There could be less than hundreds and thousands of flavours if production costs continue to rise.
2023-05-20 06:29:24 UTC

We're commemorating the 80th anniversary of three airmen from Wakefield participating in the famous Dambusters bombing raids on German dams.

Original: Service to honour Dambusters airmen. Three airmen from Wakefield took part in the legendary raids on German dams 80 years ago this week.
2023-05-20 06:20:56 UTC

Sinn Féin looks likely to be the most successful party in the 2023 Northern Ireland Council elections.

Original: NI council elections 2023: Sinn Féin appears on track to win most seats. Sinn Féin appears on track to win the largest number of local government seats.
2023-05-20 05:58:34 UTC

Residents of Hemsby are shocked by the speed of erosion at the village's beach
Once a popular destination, the rapid coastal change has made Hemsby a symbol of the UK's eroding coastline.

Original: Hemsby erosion: 'I knew it would happen but not this quickly'. Once a village whose beach attracted thousands, Hemsby is now the the face of an eroding coast.
2023-05-20 05:32:56 UTC

Head teachers have expressed their confusion with the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, prompting the creation of a cross sector advisory body to provide guidance to schools regarding AI.

Original: Schools bewildered by AI advances, say head teachers. A new cross sector advisory body is being set up to advise schools on developments in the field.
2023-05-20 04:58:15 UTC

A former head of Brazil's Indigenous protection agency has been charged with indirectly contributing to the death of a British journalist.

Original: Brazilian official indicted over Briton's murder. The former head of Brazil's Indigenous protection agency is accused of indirectly playing a part in journalist's death.
2023-05-20 04:29:15 UTC

The number of people taking long-term sick leave in the UK is at a record high - with one in every 13 workers taking sick leave
This has a negative effect on the economy, according to economists.

Original: Long-term sick: How record number changes UK economy. For every 13 people working one person is long-term sick - and economists say it is harming growth.
2023-05-20 00:07:08 UTC

News: Chancellor warns against talking economy down and energy bills expected to go down.

Original: Newspaper headlines: Energy bills to 'tumble' and Hunt 'negative talk' warning. A warning from the chancellor about talking the economy down and an expected decline in household energy bills leads the front pages.
2023-05-19 23:58:55 UTC

Teachers and NHS staff can expect delays to their divorces as their pensions are re-evaluated
This could have a significant impact on both active and retired members of the workforce, according to solicitors.

Original: Divorce delays for teachers and NHS staff as pensions recalculated. Both current and retired staff face "a severe and drastic impact" from the delays, say solicitors.
2023-05-19 23:13:21 UTC

Akshata Murty enters the international arena, while the UK prime minister's wife accompanies Rishi Sunak to the G7 summit in Japan.

Original: Akshata Murty takes colourful step onto world stage. The UK prime minister's wife joins Rishi Sunak in Japan for the G7 summit in her latest appearance at his side.
2023-05-19 23:07:01 UTC

The latest local elections saw a limited turnout due to the ID requirements, according to the data
Initial analysis of the council data indicates that the new rule had a significant effect on England's local elections in 2023.

Original: Local elections 2023: Thousands didn't vote due to ID rule, data shows. Council data gives an initial snapshot into the impact of the new rule on England's local elections.
2023-05-19 23:02:35 UTC

We went to Scotland to observe the Loch Ness Monster
Linda Taylor from Florida is one of the increasing number of US citizens who are picking Scotland for their holidays.

Original: We came to Scotland to see the Loch Ness Monster. Floridian Linda Taylor is among a growing number of Americans who are choosing Scotland for their vacations.
2023-05-19 22:19:03 UTC

Contact: pavel at titovdigital dot com